5 Ways to Reinforce the Spanish Language at Home

Keeping the Spanish language alive in our household can be difficult especially when our children speak and learn in English all day during school, but it is not impossible. Raising a bilingual child and teaching them about our culture is one of the greatest gifts we can give our kids.  Below is a list of activities you can start doing today to reinforce Spanish at home while keeping it fun! 

Image of Lil’ Libros books piled on top of each other

1. Reading bilingual books

• Reading in both Spanish and English can create a fun game for your child. Try to translate the sentence before reading it. Playing a guessing game can spark interest and need to continue reading.

• Look at the images inside the book and guess their names in Spanish. Another form of the guessing game by sparking curiosity. 

2. Activities that implement vocalizing words in Spanish

• Counting, colors, shapes, days of the week, are some examples on how you can practice with your little one out loud. Repeating words is an important part of learning.

Image of El ABC de las Telenovelas book

Image of El ABC de las Telenovelas book

3. Watching their favorite shows/movies but in Spanish

• Streaming channels now have the option of switching languages on many of our favorite movies. If possible, change the language to Spanish and learn along with them. They’ll be introduced to the same characters but in a new perspective. This will keep them focused on the show/movie and learn something new at the same time. 

4. Talking only in Spanish for the day

• Choose a day of the week where you only speak in Spanish! Keeping the same routine but practicing everyday words can be excellent for their language skills. 

5. Singing and dancing to Spanish music

• It’s amazing how children absorb everything they hear. Playing Spanish music in the car or house might encourage them to speak (and sing!) the language. Nursery rhymes can be included in the mix since you can find many of the translations online. 

Implementing these simple but effective activities can encourage children to learn more about a different language. When we practice with our child, we boost their confidence. We want them to know that learning a new language isn’t a chore but a form to expand the way we think and grow. 

Looking for new bilingual books to add to your child’s library? Check out our store!

Image of Frida book on blanket

Frida Kahlo has become one of the world’s most famous Latin American painters and a symbol of strength for so many. This book will introduce little ones to her extraordinary life, while also teaching them numbers in English and Spanish.

image of De Colores book stacked over more De Colores books

Inspired by one of the oldest and most beloved traditional Spanish folk songs, “De Colores,” this book will introduce little ones to the beauty of life, joy, inclusivity and their first English and Spanish words.

Image of child hugging Sana, sana book

Inspired by the classic rhyming song, Sana, sana, colita de rana, that many American-Latino children grow up with, this book follows Tina in her quest to become an aspiring Mexican wrestler, alongside her plush sidekick, Mr. Frog.


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