Her mom thinks she is too messy; her teachers think she is too loud. But Abuela says that’s nonsense. Mia Emilia Lucia Renata simply has too much wepa! In this case, wepa is a metaphor for Mia’s fire, energy, and excitement, or what is better known medically as ADHD. Like ADHD, Mia is often misunderstood and is encouraged to tame her personality. Mia tries to bottle up her wepa, but no matter how hard she tries, she can’t contain it. Finally, with a bit of inspiration from Abuela and her friends, Mia discovers the perfect place to express her wepa. A place where her wepa is celebrated and isn’t too much.
Dr. Ochoa’s Stellar World: Technology
Joining Dr. Ochoa’s Stellar World: We Are All Scientists is the following letter in STEAM and the next book in the series, Dr. Ochoa’s Stellar World: Technology! Your future tech wizards will learn of the endless possibilities that computers, algorithms, and coding can create in the world around them. Alongside Ellen Ochoa, let’s explore how technology is part of our daily lives, allowing us all to stay curious and be a part of our world’s innovation.
My Mind is a Mountain
A little boy goes on a journey to discover a full range of emotions, from feelings of great enthusiasm and happiness to those of sorrow and anger. My mind is a mountain is a metaphor for the heights a mind can reach in powerfully handling all emotions from the lowest of the lows to the highest of the highest - and everything in between.